Tag Archives: kai wong

“Why The Leica M is so unique”

During my massive research spree prior to getting my M8, i spent several weeks reading forums, articles, and watching videos.  One of the most entertaining discoveries I made was a series of videos on YouTube by a lad named Kai Wong for DigitalRev.com.  Who would have thought that Jeremy Clarkson would have had a young bastard asian child!?  That’s pretty much what Kai Wong is—while most of the other camera reviews and videos are about as exciting as lifting the toilet seat up, Kai does something unique.  He instills his thrill and enthusiasm into cameras and photography in the same way that Jeremy Clarkson instills his enthusiasm into automobiles.

Since that time, I’ve found myself watching lots of DigitalRev videos hosted by Kai—not because I really want the cameras he is reviewing, but because I find the videos very entertaining.   Good on ya, Kai!  You may not be entirely original, but you’re doing a great job nonetheless.  (BTW, Kai also uses an M8 as one of his primary tools)

This is one of my favourite videos—which played a role (along with people like Drew from MotoringConBrio) in convincing me of the magical powers of rangefinder cameras.

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